1. Click the up arrow in the right hand corner of your screen. You should see the LanSchool Icon.
2. If not, go to Windows Start and Type “LanSchool Teacher”
3. Go to Administer, “One to One”, “Load Dynamic Class List"
4. Important Step: Select Options:
5. Select "Clever Class Lists"
6. You should be taken to the Clever Web Site. Type in Shelton and Select your School. If you have synced before, you may not see step 6-9.
7. Select “Log in with Google”:
8. Select your SheltonSchools.org Account. In most cases, it should be listed already. If not, follow the login screen.
9. You should see this: (You can close the Browser Window)
10. Go back to LanSchool Teacher and you should now see your Class list and Student Names. Select your class, then Select Load:
You should see all the Screens assigned to you for that class. If a student is logged in, you will see their screen.
Additional training can be found here: https://www.sheltonschools.org/departments/technology/technology_tutorials