Performing Arts Center Specifications
3737 Shelton Springs Road
Shelton, Washington 98584
(360) 426-4471 ext. 16046
Stage Specifications as of September 22, 2017:

Seating - 747 total, Lecture Wing A 175, Lecture Wing B 175, Main Section 397. Can be sectioned off into three seating areas
Two cry rooms w/video monitors
Stage Dimensions - Proscenium height 20'2", Trim height 11' -19'
Width at proscenium, _43'8", depth from curtain line 28'8"
Apron depth 4'10" Distance from center stage to SR wall is 50',
Distance from center stage to SL wall is 29'6"
Pin rail mounted on floor full stage right.
Grid height upstage is 28', downstage is 25' 5".
Weight. Loading at stage level.
12 lines available, 4 counterweighted units.
There are 15 (4bcounterweighted) battens/pipes 51' in length. First set is 5' from curtain line, last at 19' from curtain line.
Floor is hardwood over concrete, natural wood, no rake.
There is a full set of (3) Blacks, 17'6" high,
3 borders 5' high,
2 scrims (white & black) and one canvas frame drop (12x44).
Act curtain, white (cyclorama)
Black Mid stage traveler curtain operated from SL.
White cyc 3' DS from US wall.
Light Blue cyc 6' DS from US wall.
Upstage wall is brick (painted black), but usually has the cyc is closed in front of the US wall.

Lighting System:
House Lighting
Main Floor 55 fixtures - each fixture contains four LED 26watt floods. 3 are switched with the fourth being dimmable. House lights are stage front to rear across four zones. Wings have similar lighting scheme with single area dimming.
Stage lighting - 89 dimmable circuits, @ 2400 watts ea.
Lighting console - ETC Ion Series. 1000 Channel
There are 3 permanent beams at 28'7", 37'2" and 56'5" from the stage (Each beam have lighting circuits with light mounts). There are four electrics above the stage. Fourth electric is fully upstage, about 1' from the US wall, and is stationary. The first electric contains Edison outlets, in contrast to the rest of the circuits in the theatre which are 2 pin twist lock. There are four side banisters with lighting circuits and mounts. Also available are 2 floor pockets on SL & SR with 2 circuits each and 3 floor pockets US that have 3 circuits ea. There is also one circuit in the projection booth at the back of the auditorium. Each "electric and catwalk" beams have DMX 512 available.
There is a projection booth which is now the video production area and exterior platform for lighting control, and 2 follow-spots which are located in the catwalk areas. Booth to stage distance 78'.
Lighting Fixtures

10 - 6 X 6 360Q
5 - 6 X 9 360Q
16 - 6 X 12 360Q
6 -6 X 16 360Q
6 - 6 X 22 360Q
4 - 3.5 X 8
12 - 14" 1000W Scoops
28 - 6" 500W Fresnel
6 - PAR 64 1000W
5 - PAR 56 500W
Source Four Series
4 - 19° 575W
4 - 26° 575W
4 - 36° 575W
12 - Parnell 575W
1 - Strobe
American DJ fixtures
12 - 40° X 40° ADJ TRI 18 LED Wash
4 - Ultra 12 Bars
3 - Mega Bar
Chauvet Fixtures
4 - Rogue 1 Wash (mover)
360 Watt 82Volt Follow Spot Lights
10 - 2fers
Various cables, clamps and connectors
1 - Fog machine

House Sound
Houser Mixer is located in right rear of center main seating section
Central speaker cluster consists of 2 JBL 15 Bass cabinets and 2 JBL CD Horns (90 X 40) w/2440 2" drivers Subwoofer system (located under stage thrust) consisting of 4 JBL Cabinets w/15" (2215) Wings have separate JBL 15" 2 way w/separate time delay and QSC Amplifiers
1 Behringer X32 mixer 32 channel, 16 aux sends, 8 discrete powered Monitor sends
QSC amps power cluster and monitor speakers
1 1/3 octave house equalization,
6 separate monitor system EQ
2 - DBX 231 Dual Channel 1/3 octave EQ
1 - Rane ME15B Dual Channel 2/3 octave EQ
1 Shure PSM 200 Wireless (in ear) Monitor (four receivers)
1 DBX 166XL Dual Channel Limiter/Compressor
1 DBX 1046 Quad Channel Limiter/Compressor
1 Magnavox CD player
1 224pt. patch bay
1 2 channel ClearCom Intercom w/ five headsets
70v distribution throughout house.
Monitor Speakers
4 Galaxy Audio Hot Spots w/VC
2 EV FM 1202
2 Community Light & Sound MVP12M
2 JBL AS4722 15" 2 way
2 EV 1502 15" 2 Way
1 Shure Beta 87
3 Shure Beta 57
7 Shure SM-58
3 Shure SM57
1 EV PL76
1 AKG D1000
1 EV RE 10
3 Shure PG48
1 CAD 22
6 Audio Technica System10 RCR w/ Samson SE10
4 AT System 10 Handhelds
4 ATW - R2100ad lapel style wireless packs, w/ Samson SE10
4 AEW - R4100 lapel style wireless packs w/ Samson SE10
4 PCM (floor condensers),
5 AT -853 (overhead condenser drops).
5 AT Pro 37
2 AT 4033
2 AT 857QM
1 Barcus Barry 4000 Piano pickup
4 Rapco DI boxes
14 Tripod microphone stands with booms
3 Atlas MS10B
6 Atlas DS7 Desk stand
1 Atlas GN13 Goose Neck
25' - 50' speaker cables w/sc280
25' - 100' Microphone cables w/3pin XLR connectors

Video Production
1 Black Magic ATEM TV Video Switcher
6 Cannon XA25 Hi Def Cameras
1 Mackie 32 Channel audio mixer (all lines to house are split for separate mix)
1 2 channel ClearCom Intercom w/headsets to each camera location
Computers/software for "live" video streaming

Video camera feed available in Foyer, both dressing rooms and both band and Choir rooms via flat screen monitors
Loading is upstage R. at rear wall of auditorium. Doors are 71" X 81' at stage level. Truck access and parking is available.
There is a carpeted orchestra pit to accommodate approx. 30. Pit floor is 13" below house floor and approx. 5' below the stage floor. Pit width 25' 6", depth at deepest is 14'2'" and narrows to 11'8" at each end. Apron overhangs pit by 3'3". ClearCom communication is available in pit. Pit is currently covered by thrust which is removable in 4' X 8' section (normally left in place)
One of Two dressing rooms

Main floor, stage and foyer are wheel chair accessible.
Night of Musical Theatre Set 2012
Auditorium Seating Chart