Priority #3: Investment in Effective Educators and Leaders
Initiative: Ensuring high quality staff
The district will recruit, hire, and retain caring, passionate, and skilled employees to support student success.
This work is important because student success depends on employees who provide quality teaching and meaningful student support.
We will be successful when effective educators and leaders will be drawn to the Shelton School District and will want to stay and prepare students for their lives after high school. We will establish an early recruiting and hiring timeline, infuse our shared core beliefs into the hiring process, and begin staff orientation programs. The district will also plan to expand our partnership with colleges for a “grow your own” pathway for future educators already in our district. To measure success, a team will determine what data are needed to evaluate how the Human Resources strategies impact student success.
Success metrics: increased number of 3rd grade and 7th grade students meeting “proficiency” level on the Smarter Balanced Assessment, a decrease in discipline rates, an increase in graduation rates, students will finish 9th grade with six credits, and students will graduate ready for college/career.

Initiative: Shared core values and beliefs
The district’s culture and work environment will reflect our shared beliefs.
The district will identify and understand the direct connection between core beliefs and student and staff success. Upholding these beliefs will support the success of our district community. Successful working and learning environments are dependent on mutual understanding and working toward shared goals.
Staff will receive professional development on our beliefs, so they are learned, supported, integrated, and recognized across settings with the Shelton School District.
Success metrics: increased number of 3rd grade and 7th grade students meeting “proficiency” level on the Smarter Balanced Assessment, a decrease in discipline rates, an increase in graduation rates, students will finish 9th grade with six credits, and students will graduate ready for college/career.