Shelton's Welcome, Hayley!

Welcome, Hayley!

New Hire Spotlight: Hayley Williamson
Posted on 05/02/2024
New Hire Spotlight: Hayley WilliamsonMeet Hayley! Hayley, or Ms. Williamson, will be joining our teaching team in the fall after she graduates from Centralia College in June with her Bachelor of Applied Science in Teacher Education.

Tell us about yourself!
The ocean is my happy place! Any chance I get to have the wind blow through my hair and the sand between my toes, I will take it. It does not even matter to me what the weather is like because the beach just calms my soul. 

When I was younger, I always told people I wanted to be anything but a teacher. However, that all changed when my junior year of high school hit. My teachers were on strike, and I had nothing better to do at home all day, so I went to my mom's school with her where she teaches kindergarten. While I was there, I helped out in different classrooms and fell in love with teaching. It was from that moment on that I knew I was meant to be a teacher. 

One last fun fact about myself is I love fun pens. I am a firm believer that you can never have too many flair pens or gel pens! 
What made you want to work for Shelton School District?
I have heard great things about the Shelton School District for the past couple of years. I love that Shelton School District has a big vision for the future. I also wanted to work for Shelton once I heard from my best friend how supportive they are of new teachers. 
What do you look forward to the most about working here?
I am very excited to work in the Shelton School District. I know many people who have worked in the district for a while now and love it. I am looking forward to all of the relationships that I will build with my co-workers, students, and their families. 
What do you love about teaching?
Like anyone, there are many things I love about teaching. One of my favorite things about teaching is seeing the lightbulb finally go off for a student who has been working so hard at a certain concept. I also love that as their teacher I get to be their biggest cheerleader and supporter. 
What is one way you hope to inspire, challenge, and/or empower students?
One way I hope to inspire, challenge, and empower my students is to show them that they are capable of anything they set their minds to. I want all of my students to aspire to be lifelong learners and critical thinkers.
  • 700 S. First St., Shelton, WA 98584
  • p: 360-426-1687
  • f: 360-427-8610

NON-DISCRIMINATION STATEMENT: Shelton School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination:

Title IX Coordinator: Tabitha Whiting, Executive Dir. of Human Resources; 700 S. First Street; Shelton, WA 98584; 360-426-1687; Email: [email protected]

Section 504/ADA Coordinator: Ivy Kardes, Director of Special Services; 700 S. First Street; Shelton, WA 98584; 360-426-2151; Email: [email protected]

Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator: Tabitha Whiting, Executive Dir. of Human Resources; 700 S. First Street; Shelton, WA 98584; 360-426-1687; Email: [email protected]

Gender Inclusive School Coordinator: Rich Squire, Safety and Security Manager; 700 S. 1st Street; Shelton, WA 98584; 360-426-6322; Email: [email protected]

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